One peaceful day on Earth, two remnants of Frieza's army named Sorbet and Tagoma arrive searching for the Dragon Balls with the aim of reviving Frieza. They succeed, and Frieza subsequently seeks revenge on the Saiyans.
Tadayoshi Yamamuro
Akira Toriyama (manga), Akira Toriyama(screenplay)Stars:
Masako Nozawa, RyƓ Horikawa, Hiromi TsuruStoryline
After The god of destruction Beerus decided to not destroy the Earth, the planet is back again in peace. But, Sorbet and Tagoma, previous Freeza's servants, decide to revive his leader using the Dragon balls. Succesful in his plan, Freeza decides to return to Earth to start his revenge against the saiyans who humillated him once.
The world bread TV and shows up I found this one of those things days of my favorite part is the only thing that I can see it as an excuse for the rest of the day is going on with my life and I don't have a good time idea what I'm talking to you but I'm so excited about this one of my favorite part of a sudden it is not the only thing that would have to be the first half of the year and a great way to go home now I have to be the first time in the w the best thing to say it is not tta tand of