En route to meet his estranged daughter and attempting to revive his dwindling career, a broken, aging comedian plays a string of dead-end shows in the Mojave desert.
Rick Alverson
Rick Alverson, Rick Alverson,Stars:
Michael Cera, Tye Sheridan, Lotte VerbeekStoryline
En route to meet his estranged daughter and attempting to revive his dwindling career, a broken, aging comedian plays a string of dead-end shows in the Mojave desert.
English | SpanishRelease Date:
13 November 2015 (USA)Filming Locations:
Ridgecrest, California, USA
Technical Specs
This is hands down the most incoherent, nonsensical, abhorrent piece of trash I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure the director was trying to set a standard for how to create a film that not only assaults the eyes, intellect, and sanity of the viewers, but to educate future filmmakers on how to ruin the audiences day.
From the seemingly endless minutiae of wondering about, aimlessly, through life with a stupid look on his face to the series of comedy acts that are as inane as they are uncomfortable, the main character may be the most hopeless and awful person ever written. Each scene is unrelated to the former, resulting in a chain of thoughtless, boring, absurd moments that makes the viewer wish they were dead.
Frankly, it's not even the loss of my time and my brain cells that bothers me, it's the poorest allocation of capital I've ever seen. What in the world were the financiers of this film thinking? Unless you hate yourself, go do anything else with your time. Hope this helps