The film tells the story of the identical twin gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray, two of the most notorious criminals in British history, and their organised crime empire in the East End of London during the 1960s.
Brian HelgelandWriters:
Brian Helgeland, John Pearson (book)Stars:
Tom Hardy, Emily Browning, Taron EgertonStoryline
Focusing on the relationship between Reggie Kray and Frances Shea, told from France's' point of view as someone who knew him best, as well as the mental health issues Ronnie Kray faced and their rise to power as the notorious gangsters of London.
Taron Egerton is excellent as 'Mad Teddy' and adds some extra charisma to the film. The film is over 2 hours but didn't drag at all. It's not up there with Goodfellas, but then not many films are. I've read a lot of books about the Krays and they left a lot out of this movie. I wouldn't say it is the definitive film of the Krays and it could have been better. As someone mentioned previously, it could have been a trilogy. But I can't really see many people playing the roles better than Tom Hardy.
I would say if you like Tom Hardy, and English gangland history, then you won't be disappointed with this film.